What our orthodontics team do for a best treatment plan

Author: Jun 12,2023 537

1. candidates age and growth: Consider the candidates growth pattern and development stage before designing the treatment plan. Ideally, start treatment during the period of active growth for better results.


2. Attention: Monitor the candidates growth and development throughout the treatment to make necessary adjustments.


3.  Malocclusion severity: Assess the severity of the malocclusion, including crowding, spacing, overbite, and overjet.


4. Attention: Customize the treatment to the extent of the problem and consider using additional appliances to achieve desired results.


5. Skeletal discrepancies: Evaluate any underlying skeletal issues and their influence on the candidates occlusion and facial aesthetics.


6. Attention: In severe cases, consider referring the candidate for orthognathic surgery before starting orthodontic treatment.


7. Dental health: Check the candidates dental health, including periodontal and endodontic status, as well as any cavities or dental wear.


8. Attention: Collaborate with other dental specialists to ensure that the patient receives adequate dental health treatment before starting orthodontic treatment.


9. Aesthetics: Consider the candidates preferences and aesthetic concerns, such as smile line and facial harmony.


10. Attention: Communicate with the candidate to ensure that their concerns are addressed and included in the treatment objectives.


11. Medical and dental history: Review the candidates medical and dental history for any contraindications or potential complications during orthodontic treatment.


12. Attention: Modify the treatment plan if necessary and discuss any potential complications with the candidate.


13. Treatment duration and compliance: Determine the estimated treatment duration and the candidates level of compliance.


14. Attention: Discuss the importance of compliance with the candidate and provide them with a realistic timeline for treatment.


15. Financial considerations: Evaluate the cost of the treatment and discuss with the candidate their financial constraints or preferences.


16. Attention: Present treatment options that fit within the candidates budget but also achieve the best possible results.


17. Retention: Develop a retention plan to maintain the new position of the teeth after the completion of the orthodontic treatment.


18. Attention: Educate the patient on the importance of retention and teach them how to use and maintain their retainers.


19. Emergency contingencies: Prepare a plan for dealing with possible emergencies, such as broken appliances or injuries related to orthodontic treatment.


20. Attention: Ensure that the candidate knows how to handle emergencies and what steps to take if they occur.